How to Clean Your Home This Summer Naturally!

You can clean your home naturally
Clean your home with natural ingredients! Worried about the harsh chemicals exposed to your family when you clean? This handy information will help you. Take a few minutes to put together your own cleaning products made from natural ingredients. You probably already have most of these ingredients around the house.
In this issue of my Monthly Item of Value, you’ll get recipes for an all-purpose cleaner, wood polish, mirror/glass cleaner, carpet cleaner and toilet cleaner. As a result, each recipe only has a few ingredients and can be made easily.
All you will need is a few spray bottles for the cleaning products.
It might take a little bit of time to put these recipes together. But as a result, the fact that you know exactly what is in the cleaning products will set your mind at ease.
Our grandparents or great-grandparents used these ingredients before commercial products were readily available.
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