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heirloom jewelry tagged posts

Various denominations of US currency.

A (Treasure) Hunting We Will Go!

Thanks to Cindy Bernstein of Aim4Order for this episode of Tips from the Pros to help find valuable items in your home.

One of the highlights of working with clients over these past 20+ years is the delightful discovery of valuable items, long forgotten.

In an effort to motivate you to do some decluttering on your own, here’s a list of some of the items we have found while digging through papers, piles, closets, floors and other nooks and crannies of your homes!

  • $60,000 in savings bonds (6 – $10,000 bonds that were in a file from a home that was sold many years prior).
  • $4,000 in saving bonds (found in a shoe box in the basement with other old papers)
  • $60,000 in cash (found in a shoe box at the bottom of a closet filled with shoes and clothes.
  • Wedding band (found un...
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