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learn about creosote and how it can effect the sale of your home

What Is Creosote, and How Can It Impact a Home Sale This Fall?

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros. This issue is on creosote.

All realtors know to make sure the HVAC system is working to perfection and the caulk in the bathtub is touched up. However, many totally gloss over one of the most potentially dangerous parts of the home: the chimney. Over time, even well-maintained chimneys can accumulate creosote build-up on the inside. Unfortunately, home inspectors are generally looking for obvious signs of wear and damage during the chimney portion of their examination. That means that any creosote build-ups outside of the naked eye may be glossed over altogether. Naturally, that doesn’t make creosote buildup any less dangerous.

Creosote 101

Creosote is a flammable and dangerous buildup that accumulates on the insid...

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