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firewood tagged posts

A fireplace with a roaring fire.

Chimney and Fireplace Safety Tips: Our Quick Guide for Homeowners

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros about chimney and fireplace safety.

Many homeowners are delighted to have a fireplace and chimney to enjoy a warm fire on cold nights. However, maintaining a safe and efficient fireplace requires more than simply lighting a match. Neglected chimneys and fireplaces can pose serious risks, including house fires, carbon monoxide poisoning, and structural damage. How can you maintain your chimney and fireplace this winter?

Schedule Regular Chimney Inspections

A professional chimney inspection is the cornerstone of fireplace and chimney safety. Professionals recommend scheduling an inspection at least once a year, ideally before winter begins...

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fire burning in a fireplace

Why Does Fireplace Smoke Blow Back Into My House?

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros answering the question why fireplace smokes blows back into your home.

Fireplaces are a gorgeous way to add ambiance to your home. However, that warm and cozy feeling can quickly evaporate if smoke is coming back in instead of out. There are many different reasons why fireplace smoke might blow back into your home. Here are some of the most common ones.

Look at the Firewood

One of the biggest reasons why smoke blows back into the house is the firewood being used. If you use low-quality firewood, there is a much higher risk of issues. Make sure that you purchase seasoned wood that was allowed to dry completely for 12 months or longer...

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A hand putting a piece of wood into a fire in a fireplace

Our Guide to Choosing the Best Wood for Your Fireplace

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros about choosing the best wood for your fireplace.

Choosing the Best Wood

After you’ve scheduled your fall fireplace and chimney maintenance, your chimney will be clean and ready for warm evening fires and safely enjoying time with friends and family. However, the small choices that you make every day can impact how quickly dangerous creosote builds up. What wood should you choose for your fireplace?

You Must Use Dry, Seasoned Firewood

When you cut down a tree in the backyard, it’s tempting to immediately repurpose it as firewood. However, that is not a good idea. Because trees are living things, they contain up to 45% water immediately after being cut down...

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Your Guide to Choosing the Correct Firewood This Winter

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros about choosing the correct firewood.

Choosing the correct firewood this winter
Image: Clean Sweep Maryland

Winter is here. If you haven’t used your fireplace yet this year, the perfect opportunity will be here before you know it. Here are a few tips to help you select safe, high-quality wood for all your fireplace, woodstove, and outdoor furnace needs.

Your Guide to Choosing the Correct Firewood This Winter

For starters, you’ll want to consider the density of the wood in question:

More Dense Woods

  • Oak
  • Elm
  • Hickory

Less Dense Woods

  • Pine
  • Basswood

The density of the wood directly relates to the energy output once the fire is started. Hard, dense woods like those listed above generate maximum heat and less flames, which lead to a longer burn...

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How to Choose the Right Firewood

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros about choosing firewood.

How to Choose the Right Firewood

While warm fires are the last thing you want burning in your house in the summer heat, fall and brisk winter nights are right around the corner. When cooler days come around, you should start by cleaning out your fireplace and getting a chimney inspection. Once your chimney has been prepped, you need to choose the right firewood.

Clean Sweep choosing firewood

Dry Firewood is the Best Firewood

As a general rule of thumb, remember that dry firewood is the best firewood. Wood is filled with small tubes that run water from the roots below the ground into the trunk and branches. When the wood is cut, those tubes will still have moisture in them...

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