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real estate tagged posts

10 decluttering tasks you can do quickly

Thanks to Cindy Bernstein of Aim4Order for this episode of Tips from the Pros with a blog about quick organizing tasks.

Quick organizing tasks that will get your home decluttered in no time.

Spending hours or days organizing can give you big results. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have the stamina or time to spend doing it. Here are some decluttering jobs you can do in 10-30 minutes.

Kitchen counters

Your counters should be clear of everything not used on a daily basis. For example, you can leave the toaster and coffee pot if you use them most days. But that bread making machine needs to be put away. 

If you have tools like a big spoon, spaghetti stirrer or spatula that you use often and you want to have them handy, put them in something like a large vase so they are not simply laying around on the counter...

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The Importance of a Chimney Cap

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros about chimney caps.

Chimney caps are a relatively small and inexpensive thing to install, but they play a vital role in the safety of your home and chimney. The small piece of metal installed at the top of your chimney prevents numerous potential mishaps from occurring, including animals entering your home and excess moisture accumulating.

Chimney cap. Image: Courtesy of Clean Sweep.

Keep Critters Outside

During the colder months, animals spending time on your roof or near your gutters will sense the warmth from your chimney when you have a fire lit. As a result, the critters will make nests close to or inside of the chimney flue...

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What Home Sellers Should Re-Inspect After a Major Storm

Image courtesy of Clean Sweep

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros about inspecting your home after a storm.

When preparing to list a home, many home buyers have the most critical and expensive pieces of the property inspected—the roof, the chimney, the foundation and more. However, a major storm can completely change the safety of these essential parts of a home. It’s better to fix problems before you have an offer and you’re sitting at a table with a home inspection report.

Roof and Exterior Siding

Even if you have durable slate roofing, a great deal of damage can be done in a short period of time. Have the roof inspected for missing or broken shingles, holes, dents and any other damage...

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Let’s Get Organized!

Let's get organized seminar at Cummings & Co. in Timonium.
Let’s get organized!

Join me and my co-host, Cindy Bernstein of Aim 4 Order, for a Professional Seminar on Home Organization – “Let’s Get Organized”

The seminar is Wednesday, April 10 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Cummings & Co. Realtors. The office is located at 108 W. Timonium Road, Timonium, MD, 21093.

Have you ever heard the saying, “A place for everything and everything in its place?”  Do you have too much clutter lying around or can’t find anything when you need it? Want to get your home (or life!) back in order and don’t know how to get started? 

If so, come join us for some light refreshments and hear an industry expert. She will present some of the tools and tips you need to get and stay organized all year round!

And as always…

If you know of someone w...

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Make Your Money Work For You

make your money work for you today

We want to start saving money and you are not sure what to do. In my Monthly Item of Value you will get the scoop on how to make your money work for you.

 To get started:

  • Determine your risk
  • Pick your strategy
  • Choose your investments

Do you want low, medium or high risk investments? High risk may give you a bigger return, but is it worth it?

A financial professional who understands the market and can help you pick the best options for you and your family.

Click here to read the full infographic report in my monthly Item of Value.

Contact me if there is anything I can do to help you buy or sell your home.

Oh, by the way, I’m never too busy for any of your referrals.

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When is it time for an air duct cleaning?

air duct cleaning with clean sweep
Air ducts need to be cleaned every 3-5 years.

Thanks to Clean Sweep for this episode of Tips from the Pros about cleaning your air ducts.

Air duct cleaning is an essential part of maintaining your home, but it can be hard to tell when you’re overdue for a visit from Clean Sweep Maryland. The National Air Duct Cleaners Association recommends a professional cleaning every 3-5 years. Some conditions warrant a visit more frequently.

What Are the Benefits of an Air Duct Cleaning?

Air duct cleaning is great for improving indoor air quality and removing household allergens associated with asthma-like symptoms. Dust mites, pollen, pet danger and dust all enter the air and are sucked into your home’s air ducts.

When the ducts are not cleaned on a regular basis, the dirty air...

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Meet the Vedral Family

The Vedral family goes to Disney

What do you love most about your new home? 

The location! We were able to stay in the same neighborhood which made everyone happy.

If you could sum up your experience in one word what would that be? Why?

Easy! Believe it or not, the whole experience just felt very streamlined and like everything just fell into place.

Was your experience what you expected? If not how did it differ?

No! I had anticipated a much more stressful, time consuming ordeal. That was the total opposite of what we experienced. 

If you could offer advice to another buyer what would it be?

Listen to your realtor. Be prepared financially.  Some kind of bump will come along, just roll with it. It will all work out!

Meet the Vedral family

Free style – Here you can give a shout out to anyone on your “team”  lender...

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11 reasons you have clutter

Thanks to Cindy Bernstein of Aim4Order for this episode of Tips from the Pros about the reasons we have clutter.

Try as we might, we all have some clutter in our lives. Understanding the reasons why we accumulate so many things can help us turn it around and begin to reduce clutter.

1 . You’re not sure what clutter actually is.

Clutter, as defined by Merriam-Webster is, “Scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness. A crowded or confused mass or collection.”

2. You can’t resist a sale.

Do you ever buy things you already have? You may buy things in bulk because you think you’ll use them, but then don’t. Often you take advantage of items that are on sale that you think you might need, but never do.


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Meet the Raspa Family

Meet the Raspa family, clients of Gigi Causey, realtor.
Meet the Raspa family.

What made you choose THIS home over all the others 10 years ago?

For us, the neighborhood sold it. The home is on a corner lot, across the street from a wonderful park.  While the home had features that I hadn’t envisioned (a rather small kitchen and only one bathroom), we knew that those features were changeable.

Features like a big, flat, fenced-in yard and the view of the forest across the street weren’t things we could add to another house that checked all the boxes for interior features.

 What do you love most about your home, the area, the neighborhood?

We’ve loved having Double Rock Park in such close proximity...

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3501 Northway Drive

  • 3501 Northway Drive, front sidewalk

This updated Parkville duplex located at 3501 Northway Drive is so much larger than you’d imagine; so, stop your search and welcome home! This three bedroom, two bathroom home offers a spacious living room with large picture window to the let the sun shine in!

A separate dining room with gorgeous hardw...

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