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new home tagged posts

A photo of a couple with a dreawing of their dreams around them.

Dreaming of a New Home in the New Year?

The holiday season is a time when people often reflect on what truly matters, including the concept of “home.” By discussing what “home” means to each family member or friend, you can uncover various perspectives and values. For some, a home might be a physical space filled with comfort and memories. For others, it could be a sense of belonging or a place where loved ones gather.

Having these conversations can also naturally lead to discussions about dreaming of a new home. Sharing aspirations and goals for the future can be a bonding experience. This is true if you are buying a first home, upgrading to a larger space or creating a cozy sanctuary. It allows everyone to understand each other’s visions and support one another in working toward these goals.

Inforgraphic about dreaming of a new home.

In addition...

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How to Hire a Moving Company

Monthly Item of Value: How to Hire a Moving Company

how to hire a moving company part of july e-reportIt is important to know how to hire a moving company before making the big move. The company you hire can make a difference in whether your move goes smoothly or not. Do your homework before you make a commitment.

Ask around, friends, coworkers, family members, and find out what companies they used and how it worked for them. Knowing a person who has had personal experience is always helpful.

Get a written, digital or paper, estimate before moving forward. An estimate is just that, but it’s a good guide.

Do some online research. Read revues, check out their credentials. Make an informed decision.

Learn all about hiring a moving company with my monthly item of value for July.

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