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shredding tagged posts

A box full of things to donate.

“Beat the Heat” Ideas

Thanks to Cindy Bernstein of Aim4Order for this episode of Tips from the Pros on ”beat the heat” ideas.

I regularly hear people tell me about “Snow Day” projects that are waiting for them when they’re stranded at home. Now that it’s topping 100° in the coming days, this is a GREAT time to do some in-home projects that involve letting go of accumulated ‘stuff.’ I would NOT venture into the attic right now. However, I would venture into the basement and closets and drawers throughout your home.

After speaking to a group at the Myerberg Senior Center, I found myself suddenly motivated to tackle my accumulation of stuff. I tore apart my closet and found the willingness to get rid of a lot of sweaters (it’s always easier to get rid of sweaters in the heat, I find)...

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5 Simple Tips To Keep Your Identity Safe

Recovering from identity theft can be tough. There are easy steps you can take each day to keep your identity safe and secure.

We love when technology improves and makes life easier. However, as a result the ability of bad guys who want to steal your identity increases as well. Their emails look authentic as do their texts and phone calls.

According to the Federal Trade Commission

“Phishing emails and text messages often tell a story to trick you into clicking on a link or opening an attachment. They may

  • say they’ve noticed some suspicious activity or log-in attempts
  • claim there’s a problem with your account or your payment information
  • say you must confirm some personal information
  • include a fake invoice
  • want you to click on a link to make a payment
  • say you’re eligible to re...
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Shred-it Event

shred it
Our shredding project on Saturday was a huge success! We nearly filled this truck from our friends at Shred-it.
The people who came were really excited to get rid of their sensitive paperwork and know that it would be safely shredded.
Anyone who attended was asked to bring food to donate and they were happy to do so. The food went to the Perry Hall United Methodist Food Pantry where they serve nearly 60 families each week.
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