November Tips and Tasks for Your Garden
Thanks to the University of Maryland / Maryland Grows this informative article about your garden.

- Prune dormant shade trees that need to be pruned. Begin by removing all dead, diseased branches, and making any necessary cosmetic cuts. Do not cut branches flush with the trunk. Leave the branch collar (swollen area on the trunk of a tree or a larger branch) but do not leave a stub.
Incorrect pruning and over mulching
- Topping (photo above) is the not the correct pruning technique to help control the size of a tree. Crown reduction, pruning entire branches at their point of origin, is recommended if a tree must be reduced in size.
Spotted lanternfly eggs. Photo: Lawrence Barringer, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture,
- Be on the lookout for spotted lanternfly adults and egg masses. Report any finds to the Maryland Department of Agriculture.
- Lastly, mulch your perennials after the first hard freeze. This helps to protect them from frost heaving caused by the freezing and thawing of soil. Mulch helps moderate temperature fluctuations, reducing this problem.
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