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vegetable garden tagged posts

Disease-Resistant Vegetables and How to Find Them

Thanks to the University of Maryland/Maryland Grows for this informative article about disease-resistant vegetables.

I mentioned in my post last month that many of the pepper plants I grew from seed this year were infected by bacterial leaf spot. I did my best to remove diseased material from the garden. However, undoubtedly some of it still lingers in the soil and might survive to infect plants next year, so I will plan to grow varieties that are resistant to this disease.

The leaves of a pepper plant that have been infected with bacteria.
Pepper leaves infected by bacterial leaf spot. Photo from HGIC.

And no, I don’t just have a list of these varieties in my head. I’ll have to do some research. Maybe you’ve faced this problem too...

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Grow Peas, Please!

Thanks to the University of Maryland/Maryland Grows this informative article on why you should grow peas.

Young pea plants in a box.
Peas growing at the Derwood Demo Garden in 2015 in a very appropriate container! (We must have cut out the bottom since you need a soil depth of more like 8-10 inches to grow peas.)

Grow Peas

Spring is the time to plant peas! We are nearing the end of our pea-planting window, so if you want to grow them this year, get them in the ground soon. Sowing peas is very weather- and temperature-dependent. There’s a tradition of planting them on St. Patrick’s Day, which is not a bad guide, but obviously, if there’s snow on the ground that day, or it’s pouring rain or freezing cold, you might want to hold off.

Peas are very hardy, and since we’ve had a recent trend of warm...

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