Living with Less
Thanks to Cindy Bernstein of Aim4Order for this episode of Tips from the Pros on living with less.
Believe it or not, there are people who live in homes that are 900 square feet. That’s the size of one room in many homes. Living with less… how can you do it? It starts with your mindset.
Your Mindset
You have to start with a “letting go” mentality. Purge things you don’t need or use. Do it objectively without getting sentimental about belongings in your home. If you can’t be objective, call a friend or family member to help you make the tough decisions.
There can be joy in living without a lot of belongings. It’s easier to keep your home clean, for one thing. Clutter brings its own stress and anxiety. That will leave you too, at least as far as your home is concerned.
The old adage says we wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. Take the time to evaluate the other 80% of your clothing. Consider how often you might wear it or even if you will ever wear it again. Give away, donate or sell the rest.
Some of the things we own help define our idea of home. But some other things are dust collectors. Look around at your home decor. What can you do without?
If it’s functional, like a wall clock, you will probably want to hang onto it. You like being able to look and see the time at a glance. On the other hand, the weird piece of art your eccentric aunt gave you as a wedding present 30 years ago, might not be a necessary objet d’arte.
If you love it, keep it. No one is suggesting that you get rid of things that make you happy.
Kitchen Stuff
You probably have at least a few kitchen gadgets you never use. They seemed like a good idea when you bought them, you just never got around to cake decorating or having round ice cubes. You might also have multiples of things like corkscrews or spatulas and you really only need one.
Small appliances are another thing you might have in abundance. An ice cream maker, George Foreman grill, bread machine, instant pot or other specialty appliance might have outlived its usefulness. Donate or toss what you don’t use. You will be happy to have the extra space.
Plastic containers and plastic bags can be a source of clutter. It’s nice to put leftovers in plastic containers, but limit how many you save. You don’t need a 10-year supply of little plastic bags. Saving some is fine, but when they start to become clutter it’s time to let go.
Keep countertops clear of clutter. Don’t let your counters become a dumping ground. Only keep things you use daily on the counter, like a coffee maker and toaster. Everything else should be put away. Put it in the place you used to keep the ice cream maker you donated! Your kitchen will instantly look less cluttered.
You may have pieces of furniture that are not used. A dresser with nothing in it is nice if someone comes to visit for a month, but how often does that happen? Chairs that are never used might be nice to donate. You will open up the room a little and feel great about it.
Living with Less
Living with less means decluttering on a regular basis. Clutter can take on a life of its own. Keep it in check organizing daily or a couple times a week. If you declutter your home often, there is less chance of it accumulating and becoming a problem later.
You don’t have to pare down your belongings so it’s a struggle, just purge the things you can live without. Owning too many things can also clutter your mind. To declutter is to be free from that burden and concentrate on yourself and your life.
As always, I am here if you need help decluttering, purging or organizing your home. Contact me and we can talk about it.
Buying or selling your home? Contact Gigi today. Oh by the way, I’m never too busy for any of your referrals!
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