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professional organizer tagged posts

Tips from the Pros: Eliminating clutter for good

Thanks to Aim4Order for this month’s Tips from the Pros.

Eliminating clutter

“Eliminating clutter? I don’t need to organize, I know how to find what I need.”

“I’m not embarrassed when people come over. They know I’m busy.”

“I don’t have time to organize.”

These words are spoken all of the time, but the truth is your life is less stressful when your home is organized. You’ll have more free time because you spend less time going through the paper piles to find what you know is there. Find anything you need at once when all of your belongings have a place to be put away.

Clutter and stress

UCLA did a study on clutter a few years ago. They found that when the chaos of clutter increases, so does the cortisol (a stress hormone) level in women.

Taking time to reduce the ...

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organize dog and cat supplies in baltimore

Organize dog and cat supplies

Organize pet supplies

Pets are an important part of the family, but they also can accumulate stuff  like people do. Spring is the perfect time to organize your pet supplies.

Food and dishes

Instead of having a bag of food, try using plastic bins for food and treats. Bins with secure lids are difficult for any pet to get into and steal food and it keeps rodents and bugs away. Label the bins so it is always easy to find the one you need. This is especially important if you have a lot of animals.

Travel often? A piece of tape or a label with feeding instructions on it will help your petsitter know which animal gets each type of food.

Pet foods have expiration dates. If it’s been around a long time and your pet never ate the food or didn’t like a brand of treats, let them go.



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homeowners need to know how to deal with hand-me-downs

Hand-me-down organizing made simple

Kids grow so quickly that it is difficult to keep up with their changing sizes. All moms inevitably end up with hand-me-downs. Kids are messy and many moms struggle to keep their belongings organized. Whether you are giving or receiving hand-me-downs, you want to try to make sense of them.

Begin by washing all of the children’s clothing. Yes, it’s the only way – you’re going to have to go through everything. Either stack folded clothing or use laundry baskets or containers as sorting bins. Go through all of it with a critical eye.

As you box up clothes and accessories for later, or maybe for your younger child, always consider a donation box. Clothes you don’t think anyone will ever use should be given away. Let someone else enjoy them...

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Laundry Doesn’t Have to be a Dirty Word

Courtesy of and Cindy Bernstein, owner of Aim4Order.com

Do you do your laundry regularly? Or do you wait until you run out of underwear before you do it? Washing clothes is a necessary evil in all of our lives. Finding the best way to organize laundry and your laundry room is important to keep things running smoothly.

Keeping the dirty clothes in check will help you keep other parts of your life in order as well. Getting ready in the morning can be a real time killer if you can’t find the clothes you want to wear.

Make sure everyone in the family knows where to put dirty laundry and make that part of their daily routine. Place a clothing hamper in every bedroom. Clothes that need to go to the dry cleaner can be put in a designated container.

If space allows, add a clothing rod to hang u...

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Tip and Tricks from Aim4Order, Professional Organizer

Quote of the Month

“Eliminate the unnecessary so the necessary may speak.”
Hans Hofmann

This quote succinctly sums up why letting go of excess is so important. If you’ve ever had the experience of reducing the volume of stuff in a specific area in your home, you may relate to the joy one feels when unnecessary things are removed.

Read ahead for a fun way to continue or get started eliminating!

A great big “WELCOME!” to all of our new subscribers this month. Thanks for joining us – it’s really great to have you with us.

Lose 200 Pounds (of clutter) in 5 Weeks!

Does your clutter weigh you down?
Do you wish you could spend your weekends playing instead of trying to organize your home?
Do you dream of inviting friends or family to visit?
Sign up for this one-of-a-kind affordable program to los...

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